Sunday, June 3, 2007

Otto Boros: The legendary goalkeeper from Szolnok

Otto Boros, considered as one of the best goalkeepers of the 50’s was born in Belecsaba, Hungary on 1929. He started Water Polo in Szolnok on 1940. He played for the teams of “Budapesti ElÅ‘re”, “Budapesti Dozsa” but mainly for the glorious team of “Szolnoki Dozsa”, winner of the 1954, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1961, 1964 Championships. He was member of the Hungarian Olympic teams at Melbourne 1956 (gold), Rome 1960 (silver) and Tokyo 1964 (gold). He won the gold in 3 European Championships: Torino 1954, Budapest 1958 and Leipzig 1962.
Source: “Ahol mi gyoztunk” by Csurka Gergely and Dezso Gyarmati

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