Enzo D’Angelo, has been one of the
best centre-forwards of the Italian and World Water Polo of the 70’s. Well known for his generosity and optimistic character,
Enzo D’Angello, was born in Bacoli, province of Naples in
1951. He played for
Rari Nantes Napoli and then for
Canottieri Napoli of Fritz Dennerlein, winning
four National titles (’73-’75-’77-’79) and
one European Champions Cup in 1978. With the
Italian National team of
Gianni Lonzi, he won the
bronze medal in Cali, 1975 World Championships, the
silver in Montreal 1976 Olympic Games and also
participated in Moscow 1980 and Los Angeles 1984 Olympic Games. In
1985 he started a
successful coaching carrier, leading Canottieri Napoli to winning the 1990 Italian Championship and to playing the
final of 1991 European Champions Cup.Enzo D’ Angelo passed away prematurely on February 6, 2008.