Water Polo match between the teams of “Paris” and “Pupilles de Neptune de Lille” at the “Bains Deligny”, a floated swimming pool on the river Seine, opposite the Tuileries Gardens, in 1905. Source:La vie au grand air; 22 September 1905
The team of S.N. Strasbourg,France in 1957.Standing L-R:Neurbauer, Molle, Lambert, Daubinet.Kneeling L-R:Greder, Haas, Debette. Source:Le miroir des Sports, August 1957
The team of “Enfants de Neptune de Tourcoing”,France in 1957.Standing L-R:Padou, Claude Van Simaye, Selosse, Van de Casteele.Kneeling L-R:Duquesnoy, Rousseaux Claude, Rousseaux Yves. Source:Le miroir des Sports, August 1957
Beautiful poster of International tournament held at the pool of Dynamo Moscow in 1967, with the participation of Hungary, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Sweden and USSR. Source:archive of Mr. Mateo Manguillot family
The goalie of Austria, Gebhard in action during Vienna 1950 European Championships. Austria was 5th in this competition, won by the team of Netherlands. Source:magazine “Natacion” of CN Barcelona September 1950
Another action during the game of France and Spain (8-2) held at the pool of "Tourelles", Paris in 1950. Source:magazine “Natacion” of Club Natacion Barcelona 1950
Action during the game of France and Spain (8-2) held at the pool of "Tourelles", Paris in 1950. Source:magazine “Natacion” of Club Natacion Barcelona 1950
The first Water Polo team of C.N.UISP Bologna, Italy in 1981.Standing L-R:Pancaldi P., Nanni P.F. (coach - player), Vidoni S., Gamberini P., Masturzo N., Gori P., Querzè A., Setti P.Kneeling L-R:Bianchi F., Osti R., Pancaldi L., Bellettati A. (portiere). Missing from the picture Sebastiani P. Source:courtesy of Mr. Livio Pancaldi
Post card issued by the Swedish Post office, presenting the Water Polo team of England,gold winner of Stockholm 1912 Olympic Games.The English team: Charles Sydney Smith, George Cornet, George Wilkinson, Charles Bugbee, Arthur Edwin Hill, Paul Radmilovic, Isaac Bentham. Source:private collection
The team of Nederlands winner of gold medal in Vienna, 1950 European Championships.From L-R:H.Keetelaar, N.Korevaar, C.Braasem, R.V.Feggelen, M.V.Gelder, F.Smol,G.Bijsma.Nederlands, coached by the legendary Frans Kuyper won against Sweden 4-3, Switzerland 17-3, France 11-2, Yugoslavia 6-3, Austria 11-1 and Italy 9-4.Ranking:1. Nederlands, 2. Sweden, 3.Yugoslavia, 4. Italy, 5. Austria, 6. France, 7. Switzerland. Source:magazine “Natacion” of CN Barcelona September 1950
The National team of Greece at the Zappeion pool of Athens in 1969.Standing L-R:Giorgos Theodorakopoulos, Takis Michalos, Takis Mathioudakis, Koulis Iosifidis, Petros Egogiannis, Lino Prepeto (coach), Sotiris Tzafolias, Periklis Damaskos, a, Yiannis Thymaras, Yiannis Palios.Kneeling L-R:Yiannis Palikaris, b, Ilias Damaskos, Dinos Mourtzis, Nikos Anagnostopoulos, Yiannis Karalogos, Vaggelis Voultsos, Anargyros Kehagias. Source:courtesy of Mr. Periklis Damaskos
The players of "Olympiacos Pireaus" celebrating their 8th Championship in Greece, against Ethnicos Pireaus in 1971. From L-R:Takis Mathioudakis, Yiannis Palios, Stathis Sarandos, Leonidas Theodorakakis (team Manager), Periklis Lanaras (team official), Periklis Damaskos. Source:courtesy of Mr. Periklis Damaskos
The Juniors team of Olympiacos Piraeus in 1968.Standing L-R:a, Ilias Damaskos, b, c, d, Homiros Polychronopoulos, Periklis Damaskos. Kneeling L-R:Spyros Ioannidis, Kostas Koskinas, Stathis Sarandos, Giorgos Venardos, e. Source:courtesy of Mr. Periklis Damaskos
The Greek National team that took part in Smyrna (Izmir), 1969 Balkan Games.Standing L-R:Koulis Iosifidis, Sotiris Tzafolias, Takis Michalos, Dimitris Kouvegetopoulos, Giorgos Theodorakopoulos, Lino Repeto (Coach).Seating L-R:Yiannis Palios, Vaggelis Voultsos, Petros Chatzikyriakakis, Nikos Anagnostopoulos and Periklis Damaskos Source: courtesy of Mr. Periklis Damaskos
The 1968 team of Sequoia High School, Redwood City, California. Top row L-R:Willie Warren (Coach), Pete Seitz, John Collins, Kevin Mallon, Roger Pickler. Bottom row L-R:Eric Hoberg, Leroy Deal, Peter Abate, John Wycoff, Greg Sargent, Chuck McKinney. Source:private collection