1958: The team of West London Penguins

The team of
West London Penguins in 1958. From L-R Back Row: Frank Blissett, Bernard Castle, Ted (Curly) Gerald, John Martin-Dye, Dave Stanborough, Peter Richardson, Norman Massey, Terry Bushell, Bill Wait, Les Baldwin, Ron Turner. Third Row: Derek Roberts, Tony Littlechild, Mac McDonald, Bryan (Swaz) Randall, Les (Pickles) Pickering, Brian Crompton, Ken Rogers,Terry Fray, Lewis Bloomfield, Peter Harmon, Nobby Neivens. Second Row: Bill Shepherd, Horace (Horry) Connelly, Dave Littlechild, Harry Fray, Spud Murphy, George Pepper, Joe (Smiler) Barrett, Pop Neivens, Dick Lawrence, Bill Usher. Front Row: ??, Ken Power, Pat (Buddha) Randall, ??, Bob Wollaston, Jack Dengell, John Wilkinson, ??, ??.