Dr. Tracy Rockwell has broken new ground in creating the first history of the Sport of Water Polo in
Australia. Literally, thousands of people across the country have played the game, but until now nothing has so painstakingly documented the development of the
Australian Water Polo year by year, decade by decade over 127 year span (1881-2008). The research has re-discoverd long forgotten competitions and great players of the past, but also contrasts more recent events, teams and athletes right up to
Beijing Olympic Games. Water Warriors highlights Australia's Olympic Games and
FINA performances at World Champs and World Cup events and even lists the annual premier teams from each State.
A highlight of the
592 pages fully illustrated book and more than 1350 images wich document the people, the places and the passion of
Australian Water Polo across the centuries. This monumental achievement is ideal reading for Sports history enthusiasts, past and present members of the Water Polo international community.
Available by email from: waterwarriors@optusnet.com.au ($99 AUSD + postage)